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Christmas Cards

Tarah OSullivan

Christmas cards are always a wonderful surprise and we all anticipate the mail each day... but opening the mail to this wonderful donation from a loving family was just over the moon.

This family went to the company where one of the parents worked and asked about a "company match program".... the thing is... a lot of companies have these programs and will MATCH DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR any amount you would like to donate to a local charity. Most companies have these funds waiting and ready to be sent with little preparation... This family gave their donation and their company matched it!

So, the Drake Rayden Foundation got DOUBLE the amount due to some research on their behalf and their willingness to try!!!

Thank you sweet family, thank you to all our sweet donors that have reached out and helped us!!

We have been so blown away by your support... God is laying the foundation for something wonderful in 2018 and we have you all to thank for it.....

Your future will be bright sweet boy.... just you hang on...

With the new year fast approaching we hope to announce a partnership with a cutting edge research facility we have been negotiating for about six months now... Please consider how your family could join us in 2018 in helping get Drake's research funded. We are working hard to have many unique options to partner with us in every shape and size that will fit any budget....

Please pray how God could use you to make a difference in this vital fight for Drake's life and research for a cure for this devastating disease.

We love and thank you all, Eric, Tarah, littles and Drake


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