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Today Is My Birthday!

Tarah OSullivan

Today is my birthday, and as Drake and Vivian's mother, I find myself asking for the same thing every year.

"Father, please..."

"Please can this year be the year the seizures stop coming."

"Please can this year be the year I hear them speak for the first time."

"Please can this be the year we stop the suffering...."

Tarah OSullivan in the hospital with Drake, her son living with NKH


I am so grateful for more time. Some families do not have that. Some families hold onto the hope of eternity with their child.

God has granted us more time on this side of heaven, and for that I am so humbled.

But, with each birthday I am also burdened.

Every year is a year gone with them.

A swipe of the eraser that counts OFF the tick marks instead of adding them.

Every year as we think of the big dreams and plans for the next year, I am reminded that our next year may be one of an empty space at the table....

or worse....

two empty spaces.


We have been quiet for a season, letting God lead, direct the next steps and showing us His will above our wants.

He has been faithful...

He always is.

And we are stepping into a season of hopefully the

beginning of the end.

The end we have prayed for.

The end that we have only dreamed of.

The end that only He could orchestrate.


Today is my 39th birthday...(humbling to even write that on such a public blog), but I am thankful for time. Living with two children dying daily has taught me a life lived is to be celebrated, and not taken for granted.

Today I am personally asking you to make a donation to our foundation. We have asked very little this year, intentionally.

We never ask if the funds aren't necessary.

God has opened doors, doors we are walking forward in which requires funding.

We are looking at fundraising events next year as the next steps will require substaintial funding.

We know we can do it...

He has done it before...

Through your support.


Help us step forward into the opportunity God has given us.

Help us turn more bad days into good days for Drake and Vivian.

My goal is $1,000. To some it is too small, to others, way too big. Please $5 is all I ask. If everyone gave $5, we would meet it no problem.

With social media being an ever changing platform, and some choosing to opt out of it all together, we would love to share our journey with you directly to your inbox.  Sign up below:

Thank you for following our journey!

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