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Tarah OSullivan
8 min read
The First 24
The hours after Vivian's birth was a bit of a blur. We had decided to induce her around 39 weeks and three days due to me being dilated,...

Tarah OSullivan
5 min read
The Day Before...
As we were going through our school day yesterday, my son asked me "Mom, were you...right now...were you in labor with Vivian?" I paused...

Tarah OSullivan
4 min read
Vivian...alive; lively, bubbling with life
I typed in my search bar early this morning.. "What does the name Vivian mean in the Bible?".... The search populated and it caught me...

Tarah OSullivan
Dec 2, 20242 min read
Today Is My Birthday!
Today is my birthday, and as Drake and Vivian's mother, I find myself asking for the same thing every year.
"Father, please..."

Tarah OSullivan
Nov 28, 20242 min read
I don't know if I have ever been truly grateful for time. When you are young, all you think about is growing older. When you are older...

Tarah OSullivan
Sep 10, 20245 min read
Let thy Food be thy Medicine
"Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be they food." - Hippocrates Drake and Vivian went through years of trial and error when...
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